Board Members

The Board of Directors includes people who have spent their whole lives, or large parts of them, in the upper Pecos and are intimately familiar with our watershed. In many cases they have seen significant changes over their own lifetimes and some have heard anecdotes of historic conditions or changes from previous generations. Their memories and collective expertise have been an invaluable source of information about watershed conditions and places where restoration work would be most valuable. In addition to countless informal conversations and several field visits to sites with Board and other community members, three annual stakeholder meetings open to the entire UPWA membership have included presentations and discussion about the goals of the WBP and requests for information or thoughts from community members about potential pollutant sources or other watershed problems, followed up by e-mail correspondence, telephone conversations, or site visits to obtain additional information.

Frank Adelo, President,  Chairman

Lela McFerrin – Vice President

David Hernandez – Treasurer

James Congdon – Secretary

Douglass C. Jeffords – Past President, Director

Martin Varela – Director

Carol Johnson – Director

Jennifer Lindline – Director

George Romero – Director


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