Proceeds from the sale of Jane’s book go to support the Upper Pecos Watershed Association.
Price: $25 including shipping and handling.
From the introduction...
For the past 14 summers, I have endeavored to identify every wildflower near our cabin in Cowles. I have bought every book I can find, taken thousands of pictures, and attended classes on wildflower identification in Santa Fe and Crested Butte CO at the annual Wildflower Festival.
I have never been interested in the scientific aspects of the flowers – just the common names and families. Nor have I wanted to tear the plant apart and analyze every component.
I believe most of you are like me. You want to quickly identify a flower and move on to the next one. I have selected pictures that I think are most likely to help you do just that. Some flowers are so distinctive, the ID is easy. Others require a closer look at the flower itself or the leaves. Where needed, I’ve provided information such as flower size and/or plant height.
I have included the scientific names, because often a flower can have several common names which is confusing. Knowing that sky rocket and scarlet gilia are Ipomopsis aggregata will confirm that these are the same plant.
Knowing a bit more about a flower can be helpful and interesting. Like whether or not the plant is poisonous or where the common name originated. I’ve included some of these tidbits as space allowed.
This second edition is the inclusion of berry producing plants and bushes.
— Jane Jeffords